How Effective Is AC-262,536 In Preventing Prostate Cancer?


AC-262,536 is a non-steroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) which was created and introduced to the marketplace by ACADIA Pharmaceuticals in San Diego, California. Initial research on this SARM started in 2007 with animal studies and there have been no trials or studies. Nonetheless, the data from animal studies show that AC-262,536 can protect the user against diseases like Alzheimer’s and prostate cancer while promoting sustainable muscle growth.

HOW AC-262,536 WORKS

AC-262,536 works similarly to other SARMs because it interacts with androgen receptors in the bones and muscles without affecting sexual tissue. The body’s androgen receptor (AR) typically affects human sexual development, but once it has been activated by compounds like testosterone it may affect other areas of the body like the liver, muscles, bones and even the central nervous system.

The thing is that targeting AR by taking testosterone signaling comes with side-effects that impact the sex tissues. This means that in addition to creating strong bones and muscles that are bigger, you have an increased prostate cancer risk and shrinking testicles, while bodybuilders can experience an enlarged clitoris.

Unlike other SARMs, AC-262,536 prevents this by binding directly with the androgen receptor. As a result, it activates the androgen receptor specifically in the cells that make up your muscles and bones without affecting your liver enzymes or sexual tissue.

We often compare this SARM to ACP-105 because both seem to be equally powerful.


Research shows that AC-262,536 supplies more than 60% of the benefits that you’d get from taking testosterone, with just 27% of the activity. It’s safe to say that AC-262,536 has an anabolic: androgenic ratio of 2.45:1 Of course, this doesn’t mean that AC-262,536 won’t have any effects because it is a SARM whatsoever. The prostate gland is usually the organ that is sexual that is most affected; hence, it’s frequently used to measure the androgenic effects of a SARM.

An anabolic: androgenic ratio of 90:1 which is undoubtedly the ratio in the marketplace are typically shown by Traditional SARMs like RAD-140.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that RAD-140 is better than AC-262,536 when it comes to improving performance, but it does show us what could happen when you have a significantly high dosage of AC-262,536.

AC-262,536 PROS

While there is only a limited amount of research on AC-262,536 evidence indicates that this SARM comes with the following benefits:

  • Helps Increase Muscle Mass

A study showed that AC-262,536 can increase the size of the pelvic muscle specifically, and it does so by improving parameters. In this regard, AC-262,536 is comparable to testosterone with the only difference being that it does not come with the side effects.

  • Can Be Used in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

Acadia Pharmaceuticals conducted a study that showed that AC-262,536 is effective at increasing androgen receptor levels which helps to ward off diseases like Alzheimer’s. This study’s results indicate that memory management can be increased by AC-262,536. Despite these positive results, it is important to be aware that this study was done on mice and that there is no evidence from human trials to support these findings.

  • Could Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

AC-262,536 is said to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer, as a result of its antagonizing effect on dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This is critical as it acts to improve cell growth because DHT has been linked in many studies to the growth of prostate cancer. So it’s awesome that AC-262,536 can minimize the effects of DHT.

  • Decreases Luteinizing Hormone Levels

Research suggests that AC-262,536 may reduce your LH levels. LH stands for Luteinizing Hormone, and it may provide an ideal breeding ground for certain diseases that thrive on LH levels, although this hormone is beneficial to normal testosterone production. It’s important to note that despite its reduction of LH levels, AC-262,536 remains a potent SARM that produces.


It does not lead to the very same side-effects shrinkage of the testicles and prostate enlargement. Though AC-262,536 shows results that are similar to testosterone. Rather, AC-262,536 functions much like other SARMs and does not come with adverse side-effects.

However, it’s important to bear in mind that no long-term studies are conducted on AC-262,536 to prove its efficacy over the long run, so there is no saying what side effects will be discovered (if any) once proper research is conducted.

HOW TO DOSE AC-252,536

Research studies which have been done on rats use a dose of between 10mg/kg to 30mg/kg. Right now, it’s difficult to use this as a reference to come up with a dose which would be effective for individuals without producing adverse side-effects. Trial studies and experiments need to be conducted to ascertain AC-262,536’s dosage.

Because of the limited data available, we have to stick to 30mg that has been suggested by researchers so far to the 10mg. In my opinion, you’re better off doing a SARMs stack that contains Andarine and Ligandrol.


Just like any SARM, it is important to perform post cycle therapy (PCT) when taking AC-262,536. This can allow you to maintain the muscle mass that you gained burn fat while boosting your mood and energy levels and while taking the SARM.

Cycling SARMs is also important since it balances your hormones so that you don’t develop a dependency on it. The amount of time that you spend on the PCT should be congruent with the amount of time spent taking the SARM well. This means that if you were to take then you should do PCT for 12 weeks also to help reach a state of equilibrium that is hormonal again.

While you don’t have to take a PCT while performing SARMs, you still need to take a miniature PCT for at least 4 weeks just to be on the safe side. Some bodybuilders recommend Test Booster for this function. With compounds like MK677 and GW501516, you won’t need a PCT. Do not forget that no clinical trials have been done on AC-262,536, so there’s no telling what effect it could have on your hormone levels, which means you’ll do well to do a PCT cycle.


AC-262,536 is a SARM that could add a lot of value to your performance and overall results as you can see. No clinical trials have been done with this SARM yet and a select number of bodybuilders and athletes have tried it. Other SARMs such as LGD-4033 and MK-2866 are more researched and analyzed if you enjoyed my article you should take a look.